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  • Mozak je tu da reši problem. Pitaj ga, i on će ti odmah izlistati bar 10 načina kako da nešto rešiš, kako da dođeš do željenog cilja. Ponudiće ti i brojne efikasne, i ne tako efikasne načine. Problem se javlja

  • Zbunjeni selfimmage se razjari i počne da preispituje umanjeni selfesteem. Oboje dobiju hiljadu lica i 100 glava jer su izgubili i kompas i kontrolu. To je brutalan konflikt između bezbrižnog deteta i odraslog koji pokušava da preuzme kormilo i zauzme

  • A snaga ponestaje. Dozvolite da primetim, ali mislim da su mnogi „umovnjaci“ međ’ nama usled silne mentalne dominacije i opamećivanja prestali da valjaju klade u potpunosti. Čini mi se da smo zanemarili koliko je zdravlje tog carskog uma uslovljeno zdravljem

  • Iako ste prepolovili porcije, telo svoje rezerve sada troši mudro i polako, do sledeće gozbe čiji datum još nije utvrđen. Za to možemo zahvaliti „Trifty“ (štedljivom) genu, koji je našim pretcima omogućio da prežive u periodima oskudice. Kao što vredna

  • Jer, nije sve u kilogramima, ima nečeg i u ciljevima. Žene vrlo lako skliznu u kult dijete i borbu sa kilogramima, pa i kad dobiju svaku bitku večno gube rat. Suvišni kilogrami nisu uzročnik problema. Oni se samo manifestuju usled

  • Ovih dana igram jednu igru. Zove se: ne vidim te, ne trebaš mi. Bez obzira što te obožavam i što si moje najveće zadovoljstvo i porok, moja uteha i saputnik, ovih dana te uopšte ne primećujem. Uvek i bez izuzetka,

  • Kažu da kafa smanjuje znake umora i da pospešuje koncentraciju. Kažu da je dobra za probavu. Kažu da čak pomaže i kod mršavljenja. Svašta kažu. Informativnih (i dezinformativnih) sadržaja o koristima kafe ima na svakom ćošku interneta, a medijski prostor

  • U meni vazda divlja oluja, vrtlože se i bujaju misli. Kad poželim da ih zavedem u katalog, tada pišem, a one se lagano postrojavaju. Džungla se pretvori u zoološki vrt, svakakve živuljke se razdvoje po kavezima da bih ih bolje

You can safely step away from restrictive diets and false narratives, and never look back.

But it was never just about your weight. It’s about who you are and how you show up in the world.

This pursuit trapped you on the diet hamster wheel for years. Always pursuing it, and never truly having it.

You used to think that being skinny was the most important thing.

I was always intimidated by weight training and going into the “men’s section” of the gym until I started working out with Marija. Turns out I really love kettlebell workouts and strength training, and Marija gave me the confidence, motivation, and expertise to improve my form and give me the best workouts. She’s knowledgeable, patient, motivating, kind - and not to mention she made the process fun so that I always looked forward to working out with her. She’s the best and gave me terrific results!

Samantha L.

I loved working with Marija. I had other trainers before but Marija really cared for me and the results are crazy. Coming out of our session, I’m always so tired because she motivates me to really push myself. Not just on working out, she also gives the best advice for my daily life. I always felt my mind is clear after our session like I just went to a therapy session! I’m really glad I had her as my trainer before she left New York.

Zee D.

Marija is professional and personable. She listened to my needs and worked with me to achieve them. Marija has invested the time to get to know me and she understands what I was looking for and she has done a great job of helping me achieve my goals. She is very friendly and easy to talk to and invested in you when she is working with you. This has been a great experience.

Deythra S.

Marija was my private trainer at Equinox in New York City. She consistently set up thoughtful fitness programs customized to fit my needs, and pushed me to overcome limitations that I was experiencing. As an added bonus, Marija is knowledgable about nutrition which also contributed to the overall success of my program with her.

Wilson M.

Marija is really the best trainer I have ever met. She always tries to make sure you are satisfied with your experience. She uses individual approach to each client, always is prepared to a session, and in general, she is a very nice person. I was happy to meet her. I will definitely return to training with her in the near future.

Ianchevskaia O.

Marija is an amazing trainer. She is very focused on getting you in the right workout program and making sure it fits the level of fitness you are seeking. Her training regimen is dynamic as she is constantly evaluating you during every session to see what works and what doesn't work so as to make adjustments. I loved working with her and you will too.

Kevin S.

Marija makes you work hard but she makes it fun too. When you think you can't keep going, she would make me laugh and I'd get my groove back. She helped me get stronger, listened to any story I wanted to tell, and was also open herself. I had a great time and got healthier!

Nicole W.

Six months ago I was in the worst shape of my life. I was overweight, had little energy and struggled to do many everyday activities due to asthma. I began working with Marija and can happily say I have made many positive changes. She helped me improve my range of motion, drop nearly 30 pounds and build a upper body strength that I didn’t even have 20 years ago. I am no longer on blood pressure medication and no longer need an inhaler for asthma. I was born with a birth defect that resulted in my left arm being smaller than my right arm. I was always told by my doctors that I had very limited capabilities with that arm and had to take extreme caution with it. Marija designed an exercise program that enabled me to build muscle in that arm to better match my right arm. Deciding to get a personal trainer was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I consider it an investment in life!

Danny M.

Working out with Marija has been one of the most positive experiences ever! From our first meeting (in which I was very emotional!) Marija has really made me feel listened to, understood and she has helped increase not only my physical strength but my overall well-being. I started out not feeling confident and without much stamina, but quickly I went from kind of dreading going to feeling like a happier person after each workout. She really makes it about what’s best for you and I can’t recommend her enough!

Kate H.

I worked with Marija for a month in order to follow a plant based diet. Marija was really helpful in providing all the guidance, along with explaining the importance of each foods nutrition value. She was very kind and provided input and clarified doubts whenever it was necessary. The guides and schedule provided by Marija were helpful in shaping a balanced diet for my daily routine.

Karan K.

Marija’s endeavor to get the best out of you is truly inspiring. During Covid, considering times were challenging and work schedules were haphazard, Marija really helped me in the habit-building process to not only take care of my physical shape but also stay on top of my mental health. Even today when I’m not undergoing sessions, she checks in with me which speaks volumes of Marija going beyond her profession with my best interests at heart.

Shikha S.

Marija is the ultimate fitness and nutrition coach. Her expertise is undeniable and her enthusiasm is contagious. She consistently helped me set and achieve goals that, before meeting her, I would have never thought possible. She is a wonderful trainer and person, and her knowledge for nutrition is astounding. I learned so much about healthy eating and habit development from Marija. Could not recommend her enough!

Hadley G.

Marija exceeded any and all expectations I had for her. She was genuinely excited to work with me and about my progress. She was easy to communicate with and our sessions were always helpful and knowledgeable. Marija took the time to get to know me and my reasons for wanting a healthier lifestyle. She took and interest in me and was so helpful in my nutrition journey. She took small, easy steps to start and didn’t make me feel bad if I fell short of my weekly goals.

Lindsay H.

What started out for me to be a desire to lose weight has turned into a journey to lose weight, feel better, and hopefully live longer. I’m 61 years old and through a much better understanding of what I eat, when I eat it, and how much, I’ve lost 7 lbs on my first month. Marija is helping me learn about myself. What foods I like, better ways to prepare them, and different things I like, but hadn’t understood or thought of, to enhance my meals, nutrition and ultimately help me lose weight but just as important, feel better. During our meetings, I feel as though I have 110% of Marija’s attention. She is a great listener and asks questions. Her knowledge of fitness, nutrition, biology, and I have to add psychology as it relates to food and habits is significant. We’re building a process for me personally, that I can manage and understand both from a nutrition and well-being standpoint.

Jim C.

Marija and I have been working together for 3 months. I have lost 15lbs in 12 weeks and have learned so much about what I should focus on to reach my weight-loss goals.

Brenda A.

Marija always takes a holistic approach to health and fitness. She is empathetic in all aspects of my health and clearly wants to help. I have seen so much progress since starting with her.

Madison W.

Marija is dedicated to health, both in terms of fitness and nutrition, cultivating an intersectional and vast amount of knowledge regarding healthy living. Training with Marija has transformed my body and my relationship to my body. Not only did I see incredible results, but I also formed habits that will help me to maintain and expand on my progress.

Hadley G.

Marija is dedicated to health, both in terms of fitness and nutrition, cultivating an intersectional and vast amount of knowledge regarding healthy living. Training with Marija has transformed my body and my relationship to my body. Not only did I see incredible results, but I also formed habits that will help me to maintain and expand on my progress.

Sonya A.

I worked with Marija for about 5 months. She was so easy to work with and to talk to. She encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone by giving me small goals each week. She motivated me and supported me when I was frustrated or discouraged. She responds to messages with detailed information in a timely manner. She is amazing! I highly recommend her.

Rae M.

Marija super knowledgeable, professional, patient, adaptable, a great listener, and communicator. She was exactly what I was looking for; someone is push/encourage me but not force me. I lost 10 pounds in 7 weeks but more importantly I have more energy, my flexibility, and endurance has improved!

Sharonda G.

I learned sooooo much from Marija! She was very helpful, informative, and supportive throughout my journey to wellness. I went from barely eating vegetables to consistently eating veggie (and making it myself)! It may not seem like a big deal to some, but I would not be able to make balanced and tasty meals if not for Marija. It's a big deal for me cause 98% of the food i ate was take out haha! Wonderful experience!

Sharon G.

After COVID-19 it has been difficult to go back to my ideal weight on my own. I work out consistently but my eating habits were not helping me. Marija worked with me in a way that I never feel I’m on a diet, just making better choices regarding my meals. She really takes the time to understand your needs and works around your lifestyle. I’m really happy with my results and been in a weight that haven’t been in over 10 years.

Madeline G.

Under Marija’s guidance I lost more than fifty pounds from January to September. I’m much more agile, have significantly more stamina, and my doctor has been thrilled with my test results that indicate how much my health has improved. If you are looking for a coach who is always prepared, genuinely cares about their clients, and gets results, I highly recommend Marija!

J. M.

Marija has been able to completely change and enrich my views on nutrition and eating. She's a great listener and very easy to talk to, and she also makes sure you completely understand all of the facets of your nutritional needs. We took multiple deep dives into macros & micros, and she was able to help frame all of this knowledge in terms of daily diet. She was able to use my objectives and goals to create a flexible nutrition guide that I'll be able to use indefinitely to inform my eating and what foods I need to optimize my health and nutrition, and all of this came with very user-friendly and helpful info-graphics.

Jade F.

Marija has been such a great help on my nutrition journey. She provides clear advice and resources that really help you stay on track when life gets so busy! She’s really helped my eating habits in a way that benefits my active lifestyle. 10/10 recommend.

Noura E.

Working with Marija has been one of the best things that’s happened to me - not just this year, but ever. Before I started I was skeptical that I could learn anything new or do anything that made a long-lasting change. I am shocked by how much progress I’ve made - I’ve learned a lot, I have lost weight without that even being a primary focus, and most importantly my mindset has really changed and I feel so positive. Marija will make you really feel heard and understood. She’ll help you focus on your bigger goals and reframe what you’ve spent probably 2/3 of your life thinking and feeling.

Kate H.

It was never just about your weight. It’s about who you are and how you show up in the world.

You look in the mirror and you love what you see and how you feel in your own body.

Your New Year resolutions have nothing to do with starting a new diet or losing weight

You’re enjoying food that nourishes your mind, body, and soul

No BS, nonsense nutrition science, or gimmicks. Just real stuff.

Eat food, Mostly Plants. Not too much.

Michael Pollan

The first wealth is health.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.


If it came from a plant, eat it. If it is made in a plant, don’t.

Michael Pollan

Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.

Mark Twain


Zdravo i dobrodošla u Happily Ever Eater zajednicu! Ja sam Marija, i svakodnevno pomažem ženama u sticanju zdravih navika, vitkog tela i zaraznog samopouzdanja.




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Intenzivan i personalizovan 1:1 health coaching program u trajanju od 3 do 6 meseci. Ako si rešila da raskrstiš sa dijetama jednom za svagda piši mi.

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